Power Moms /

By Joann Lublin
Translated by Yun Zhang
Published by ZhongYi Press


Ditch Working-Mother Guilt


My Wall Street Journal essay about combining motherhood and a career triggered a tsunami of hostility from both men and women. The Journal published a full page of scathing letters to the editor

the day after I stopped breastfeeding seven-month-old Dan—a move that happened sooner than I would have preferred. One letter writer said my son was better off that I worked because I was obviously an unfit mother. A bulging folder atop my desk held another forty letters that the Journal considered too nasty to print.

Sick to my stomach and even sicker at heart, I left the Washing- ton office early that afternoon. During my morose walk home from the bus stop, I rang the doorbell of a nearby friend, Susan Wildstrom. The mother of two boys enjoyed teaching high school mathematics part-time.

Seated in a living room armchair, I tearfully described readers’ venomous reactions to my first-person essay on the Journal’s editorial page. Their comments had rattled me so much that I might abandon my career, I confided to my friend.

“But do you enjoy working?” she asked.

“Of course,” I replied. “I wouldn’t be happy staying home full- time.”

“Then fuck ’em,” she said.








Among the lachrymose was Inhi Cho Suh, a GenX mom. The then head of a multibillion-dollar software business for IBM shed tears while describing the sacrifices her mother had made for Suh’s career. “It’s a little bit emotional,” she said, grabbing a tissue to dab her eyes in her office in downtown San Francisco.

The forty-four-year-old executive wore a fancy black dress and checked jacket that morning because she would address a major conference for women in technology hours later. A native of Seoul, South Korea, Suh moved to the United States at age five with her family. Her parents spoke no English, she recalled. “They only had a couple of bags and a little bit of cash.”

Suh’s parents settled in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and eventually excelled as owners of small businesses. Her father opened a martial arts school. Her mother had to learn to sew before she could open a seamstress shop.

Suh joined IBM as a marketing assistant in 1998. Moving up rapidly, she became the youngest ever vice president of the computing giant—at age thirty-two. In 2011, she considered leaving Durham, North Carolina, where she was working. She and her husband, a fellow IBM executive, wanted to accept attractive assignments at company headquarters in suburban New York.

Suh worried about finding good child care for their toddler and infant sons because she lacked immediate family near the new locale. She called her parents for guidance. They promised to sell their businesses, come live with her family in Ridgefield, Connecticut, and spend several years caring for their grandsons. Repeating her mother’s rationale for this radical change made Suh cry.

“My sun is setting,” her mom told Suh in Korean. “Yours is rising.”








Dubliners / 《都柏林人》


I Hadn’t Meant to Tell You This / 《我本不想告诉你》