I Hadn’t Meant to Tell You This / 《我本不想告诉你》

By Jacqueline Woodson
Translated by Yun Zhang
Published by Yilin Press


I had never questioned anybody’s happiness before my mother left. Grown-ups were supposed to be happy. They had things. They had freedom and jobs, and if they were my parents, they had a daughter they had named Marie Victoria. But my mother hadn’t been happy. Some nights, when my father was late coming home from work, I would hear her in the bathroom, crying . . . sobbing, gulping for air, turning the water on thinking I couldn’t hear her grieving. When I asked her why she cried, she looked at me, surprised, then answered, “There is so much to cry about in this world.”

When I was ten, I watched her walk away. It was raining the day she left, but she walked away with a suitcase in each hand, no umbrella, her back straight. She didn’t look over her shoulder. She didn’t wave good-bye. I stood with my father at the window, my head pressed against the glass. I watched her go, thinking she’d be back in an hour. That was two years ago. Postcards come with no return address. They come from all over the world—Paris, Lithuania, Spain, Bermuda. She draws pictures of herself on the cards—having meals in outdoor cafés, sitting alone by streams, buying oranges from sidewalk vendors. The sketches improve with each postcard. My father tells me that my mother always wanted to be an artist. I look at the pictures and wonder if she got her wish.



Every day I walk past a FOR RENT sign in the window of the house where Lena and Dion once lived. I know the way the white letters of the sign curve against their red background. I know that the fourth pane in the window has a crack running diagonally across it. I know if you press your face against the glass, you can see inside. There are dustballs flying around in there. In one corner a broom sits upside down, its bristles brushing against the gray-blue wall. A naked lightbulb hangs from the ceiling. A piece of paper with a tiny bit of a picture drawn on it is lying right in the center of the floor. Outside the front door I found a piece of notebook paper with their names written on it in Lena’s handwriting: Elena Cecilia Bright and her sister Edion Kay Bright lived here once. I had to swallow when I came across Dion’s name. I had never known it. What other things about them hadn’t I known? Had Lena left this piece of paper hoping one day I’d find it? Will she ever know that it’s laminated now, in a corner of my drawer where I can look at it whenever I want and remember them?

Each morning I expect to see their grainy faces on a milk carton. Sad, hard faces looking out at the world, daring it to say something about them leaving.

Each morning my father comes into my room and, taking my face between his hands, asks if I’m okay. His hands are warm and softer than the hands I remembered. In the beginning, when I leaned into him to cry, those hands were awk- ward but gentle as they patted the back of my head. “Go ahead, Marie,” Daddy whispered. “It’s okay to cry.” As though he were saying it was okay to cry for everyone who has left my life.





Power Moms / 《职场妈妈别自责》


Ancient Syria, A Three Thousand Year History / 《叙利亚三千年》